Generosity Can Really Take It’s Toll

Liberal GenerosityMoney can make people miserable but it can also take its toll on those who like to give.  It seems like the more you give the more people come running with outstretched hands looking to get something for nothing.  It can be frustrating for those who like to give and even more devastating for those who keep allowing others into the fold just to get burned over and over again.

Whether you come from old money or have been fortunate enough to get an inheritance or win the lottery, you will likely find that some people will act like your best friend in order to get a piece of what you have.  Whether they want to join you on a lavish holiday or go on an all expenses paid shopping spree, you may be wondering…do these people really care about me or are they simply in it for the money? It can be something that really eats at you and sometimes one of the best ways to find out if a friend is a true friend or just along for the ride is to test the friendship, either by withholding funds or limiting the amount that you are sharing and spending on that individual.

In most cases, where at all possible it is best to make sure that the acquaintances you have know very little about your wealth and this can be accomplished by playing it down, especially during the getting to know you phase of any friendship or relationship.  Offering to pay for someone, especially on the very first outing is a bad example to set and it is instead better to allow the other party to pay or to go dutch even if it means going to a less extravagant place.

When it comes to spending, most people who have money don’t mind sharing it with those that they love.  They enjoy spoiling others and while there is nothing wrong with doing this it is important to realize that when you start flashing the money many people will come running and they are not in it because they care about you but simply because they see you and your money as a way to get what they want.  Being generous and giving is a wonderful thing but limit your generosity to those who really care about you.  In the long run this will allow you to be free of the leeches that are just hanging around you for what you have instead of who you are.

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