WAI unveils Pioneer Hall of Fame inductees

Women in Aviation, International has unveiled the 2010 inductees in the Pioneers Hall of Fame: Trish Beckman, who retired from the United States Navy after 28 years. She is the first woman to qualify as a crewmember in the F-15E program and the first American woman to qualify as a crewmember in the F.A-18D; Vice Admiral Vivien Crea, the most senior ranking woman in the history of the United States Coast Guard; Suzanna Darcy-Hennemann, chief training pilot for The Boeing Co.; Alice du Pont Mills, who received her pilot’s license in 1929 at the age of 18, and during World War II taught instrument flying to Navy airmen and women ferry pilots at Newcastle, Del.; and Kathy Sullivan, the first American woman to walk in space.

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